Calisthenics is a type of workout that uses a person’s body weight with little or no equipment – it is the art of using one’s body weight as resistance in order to develop physique. Rumours say that it was first used in Ancient Greece, especially at the armies of Alexander the Great and the Spartans at the Battle of Thermopylae. The word calisthenics comes from the ancient Greek words “kállos”, which means “beauty”, which emphasises the aesthetic pleasure that derives from the perfection of the human body. Something they in old greek culture praised a lot this is seen in their statues. The last end of the word is translated to “sthenos”, meaning “strength”, a word of great mental strength, courage, strength, and determination.

The Calisthenics Method focuses a lot on pulling & pushing your body away from surfaces. It has undergone many studies in the resent years, where the improvement of strength has been shown clearly. Studies has also compared these types of exercises with regular gym exercises with different weight included. They concluded after det science project was over that, even though Calisthenics doesn’t use weight, there was no significant differences were found within their test groups for when you look at muscles growth, muscle thickness & strength on a calisthenics upper body plan compared with the regular gym upper body plan.
Strength is one thing, having a beautiful body is another thing, but what makes Calisthenics interesting is how many aspects of the body it actually improves. For instans it is really good for making you have a better coordination.Calisthenics exercises are more likely to improve coordination than Pilates exercises, which is known for making better body awareness, core-train & coordinations. Therefor it is concluded with studies that Calisthenics does promote strength, endurance, flexibility, and coordination and augment the body’s general well-being by placing controllable, regular demands upon the cardiovascular system. Getting stronger, fitter & becoming a better athlete can’t just focus on one type of exercise. Not one method is correct, and its good to try different types of workouts.