No calorie counting, no felling hungry and a lot of healthy carbohydrates. Could this weight loss program be the most natural of its kind? Just eating vegan is not a health & weight-loss program. Vegan diets can be filled with deep-fried fake chicken-nuggets, chips, cake and candy. We need to understand and choose the whole foods and natural food items.

For health its better to choose a starch/carbohydrate based weight-loss diet. Studies have shown that plant-based & vegan diets may result in greater weight loss than other more popular recommendations. A low-carbohydrate diet have shown to have a negative impact on artery function, indicative of oxidative stress and inflammation. Where as plant-based diets are associated with reduced mortality, particularly from cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and cancer.
This weight-loss approach should only be used for fast weight-loss. This is not a performance or athletic diet. You will lose weight. The weight-loss program has a starch-based approach. This type of carbohydrate is very easy for the human body på digest, use and store in muscles.
What to eat:
- The bulk of your calories will come from starchy food items: Potatoes, beans, rice, lentils, oats, corn, whole grain pasta, wholegrain bread or ryebread.
- The rest the diet is provided by non-starchy vegetables like: broccoli, kale, cauliflower, spinach and also fruit.
- Drink water
What not to eat:
- No animal products (beef, chicken, fish, dairy)
- No oil of any kind.
- No fake meats.
- No or Small amount of nuts & seeds.
- No or Small amount of avocado
- No nut-butters.
- Reduce or eliminate added sugars
- Reduce or eliminate added salts.
- No dried fruits
How to eat:
- Start each meal with a soup and/or salad.
- Non-starchy vegetables should only make up to 50% of the plate.
- Always have som uncooked foods at a meal
- Eat fruit for dessert
- Don’t drink your calories (smoothies, juice and so on.)
- Eat until you’re satisfied
- Allow time for digestion
- Chew foods thoroughly
- Don’t starve yourself and don’t stuff yourself.
What to exercise:
- Make exercise a part of each day.
- A good idea to exercise if you want the weight-loss progress faster.
- 30 minutes or more of moderate exercise daily.
- Exercise burns calories and calories continue to burn after exercise.
- Exercise protects and increases muscle mass.
- Exercise could be walking, running, cycling, & swimming.
How it all works:
The diet works by a very simple understanding of food items. It’s about which foods provide a perfect amount of calories, but also volume so you will feel pleased even on a diet. For instants, Protein and carbohydrates have 4 calories per gram, while fat has a whopping 9 calories per gram. In addition, fruits and vegetables have fiber and water. Low-fat, high-carb, whole-foods, plant-based foods have a low caloric density, meaning you can eat a huge amount and still have consumed fewer calories than a you think.
The hardest thing about this diet is going from a standard western diet of meat, dairy and oil to this diet can be quite the shift. This program is made for fast weight loss. Even though you don’t follow this diet strictly you can still get some benefits out of it — a lot of good will come from eating whole fruits and vegetables. – weight-loss study – Weight-loss study – Weight-loss study – How to eat – Weight-loss idea – Weight-loss idea