Most athletes who train for competition have access to a gym. Some even have their own equipment at home. Sometimes, because of travel, holidays, financial or other reasons athletes may not have access to these facilities. Even though, professional athletes often find other ways to stay fit and maintain their athletic abilities without access to a gym or equipment.

Outdoor physical activity bears multiple benefits to health and society. When you need to train without equipment it’s a good idea to move the training outdoors. Here we are able to use nature and outdoor surroundings to keep us in shape. Some bigger cities also has outdoor gyms free of access where you can do all sorts of exercises. It’s also healthy to get in some vitamin D fra the sun.
If you are used to training with a teammates. Then remember you can also training with a partner/friend. They can provide additional motivation, support, and accountability. They can even make bodyweight exercises and other workouts more fun and challenging.
Before a workout remember to have a good warm-up. Always remember, it is important to vary your workout routines to target different muscles.
Methods to stay in shape without equipment
Running and sprinting: Running and sprinting are excellent cardiovascular workouts that can be done anywhere, without any equipment.
Bodyweight exercises: Athletes can use their own body weight for exercises such as push-ups, squats, lunges, pull-ups and planks to build strength and endurance. Calisthenics is a type of workout that uses a person’s body weight with little or no equipment.
Plyometrics: Plyometrics is a type of exercise training that uses speed and force of different movements to build muscle power. Exercises such as jump squats, box jumps, and tuck jumps are high-intensity, explosive movements will build great power and agility.
Yoga and stretching: Yoga, Tai chi, Qigong and stretching can help athletes maintain flexibility, strength and prevent injuries.
Other outdoor activities: Athletes can engage in outdoor activities such as hiking, swimming, and playing sports to stay active and in shape.
Resistance bands: Portable resistance bands can provide a full-body workout, including resistance training, without the need for weights or gym equipment.