Potatoes can be useful to athletes and consumers of all types who are looking for more ways to fuel their performance and recovery. Potatoes help to fuel an active lifestyle. They offer nutrient-dense carbs and potassium that can power athletic performance.

Carbohydrate is important for optimal physical and mental performance. Carbohydrates are a key source of energy for both your brain and muscles. Because your body’s own stores of carbohydrate are limited and may be depleted, it is important to always give your body healthy carbohydrates.
The potato is about 80% water and 20% solids. Potatoes are nutrient-dense complex carbs. One medium (5.3 ounce) skin-on potato provides 26 grams of carbohydrate, 620 milligrams of potassium, and 110 calories for energy. These are key nutrients in the diets of athletes and active individuals. Did you know, that there is also protein in a potato. This protein is as good, if not better, when used for building muscles.
Potatoes have even more potassium than a medium-size banana. A medium (5.3 ounce) skin-on potato contains 620 milligrams of potassium. Potassium is an important electrolyte that aids in muscle, cardiovascular and nervous system function. Potassium is actually an under-consumed nutrient, and it is recommended to consuming foods with the highest level of potassium such as white potatoes.
Studies support potatoes

Many studies on athletes has shown the benefits of potatoes. Eating potatoes before exercise will support an athlete’s performance and help them stay fueled. Potatoes eaten during activity may maintain an athlete’s energy and enhance their performance.
Potatoes are easy to digest and calories fuel athletes. It’s important to eat an adequate amount of calories to get enough energy to support optimal body functions. It’s critical to take in the appropriate number of calories to match the demands of your training.
Here is some delicious and healthy ways to eat potatoes. White potatoes baked in the oven, sweet potato fries in the air fryer, sliced and grilled potatoes, baked sweet potatoes or diced and roasted potatoes with seasoning. It is important to stay away from deep-fried potato fried if looking for healthy foods. When eating deep-fried you get most of calories from deep-fry oil, which is not a healthy choice and will decrease healthy blood flow.
Of course you should go crazy on potatoes, but remember all health professionals agree on the importance of a balanced diet.