Here are 5 good tips for you who want to start running longer distances. Before you can enjoy running longer, you also have to fall in love with the discipline of running itself. It requires some small adjustments in relation to how you approach your running training, but also what you put in your stomach as fuel.
It is important to move that body. Regular physical activity contributes to overall health. It also keeps away different lifestyle diseases. Running is not only an exercise that promotes physical health by enhancing cardiovascular endurance, strengthening muscles and building strong bones, but it also has the power of keeping people metal health on point.
Tips to fall in love with running longer distances:

1 Sometimes you have to run without a goal
Many runners aim for a specific time record or a specific route. This can sometimes be very stressful for new runners as you can quickly let yourself down. Actually going out for a run is a very positive step in your everyday life. If you want to have positive experiences with running, you need to fall in love with running. That’s why you have to go out and feel what it’s like to run before you track time, measure precise routes and distances. Run for fun, enjoy the forest close to where you live or run down to the water and get some fresh air.
2 Run somewhere you don’t know.
This is a bit of a continuation of the first piece of advice. You probably had this feeling before when running the same route as you always do – it feels like it takes 3x longer to get through the training. This makes running training really boring, but it doesn’t have to be that way. What you have to do is explore! Try to find your way around the city without your GPS, it will get your adrenaline going as you have to use your head. A lot of people think they have to turn off their heads when they’re out for a run, and that’s true if you’ve planned everything from home. You have to use your head when you’re out running, but you only do that if you’re running routes you don’t know.
3 Listen to your favourite playlist.
Sing along a little, or start your loved one’s podcast and immerse yourself in their conversation. It would also make the time pass much faster than running in silence.
4 Let the thoughts run away.
When you’re well into running and you finally feel success, you have to listen to your thoughts – the best ideas and happiest thoughts arise when you’re out in the fresh air and you get to move. The head runs in an extra gear and inspiration abounds. Listen to them and put them into practice when you get home.
5 Avoid eating fatty foods before a run.
Fat prevents your blood from circulating optimally, and when you want to be successful in running, you need to have optimal and fast blood circulation. Therefore, start your day with a fruit smoothie instead of eggs, bacon and dairy products, which contain a lot of fat. When you don’t eat a lot of fat, you must instead fill your body with carbohydrates – this strengthens both your brain and muscles and gives you lots of energy. That is why more and more ultra athletes are going plant-based.