Athletes need to consume a lot of calories when they are training hard. To build and keep muscle mass you need to be eating more calories than you burn. Athletes also need to keep in mind that calories is energy. If you forget to eat enough you will not have energy to preform on the highest level.
Having snacks in-between meal and before/after training can really help to keep the calorie consumption up. We want to pick healthy snacks backed with good nutritional value. Say no to bad foods and pick snacks that will make your body healthy. A healthy body can out preform an unhealthy body every time.
All ideas are oil-free and vegan.
Here are 10 Snack Ideas for The Healthy Athlete

Raw Choice Bites
This snack from Forks over Knives is a perfect one for quick and healthy energy. You can use them as a raw power snack, as they’re sweetened with energising figs, dates, and raw cacao. Cooking/preparation time is only 15 mins.

Raisin, Almonds and Salted Peanuts
This one is quick to prepare. Buy raisons, almonds and salted peanuts. Throw them all into a container and give it a shake. Now you have acsweet & salty trail to snack on throughout the day. The nuts are packed with good fats, omega-3s and protein and the raisins give nice with carbohydrates.

Banana Blueberry Bars
“This tasty bar is perfect for breakfast, a snack, or dessert. It’s full of healthy carbs to give you lasting energy and is naturally sweetened with apple juice and dates. You can have a delicious treat and support your body at the same time!” – Forks over Knives recipe. Cooking/preparation time is around a hour, but you can make a lot for many days.

Wholesome Oat Snackles
Oats are really good for athletes because they are packed with nutrition. A lot of athletes enjoy oatmeal for breakfast, and oats as a snack is also a winner. This snack is like having your oatmeal without the bowl! These round oat balls are way to make and perfect to pack in a lunch box. This recipe is also from Forks over Knives.

Green Smoothie
Blend a smoothie at home and take it with you in a bottle. After a training or even a little time before a training this will give you lots of nutrition and energy. Greens and fruits has so much power to recover an athletes body. Here is a recipe from One Green Planet if you need a bit of inspiration.

Pack a couple of Hummus Wraps
Wraps with a whole grain tortilla is quick and easy to make. They are perfect to pack in a lunch box or even just wrap them in baking paper and put them in a bag. You can use lots of different ingredients, but always remember hummus. Hummus has that lovely creamy and tasty element to make the wrap enjoyable. Here is a recipe from One Green Planet for inspiration.

Hearty Granola Bars
These lightly-sweet granola bars are a great option because they are only sweetened with bananas and sweetened dried fruit. You can put so many good stuff into a granola bar. How about hemp seeds, sunflower seeds, walnuts, rolled oats, almonds, pumpkin seeds, cinnamon, banana, and more. These bars from Oh She Glows are crunchy, hearty, and chewy in the best way possible.

Endurance Crackers
Crackers and a dip, maybe hummus, is a good snack on the go. You can get some really healthy ones at stores now a days. The really good ones can be quite expensive. If you like being in the kitchen you can prepare a big batch and make them less expensive. Crackers also have long shelf life, so you can make a lot. Here is a recipe from Oh She Glows if you want to make them yourself. These Endurance Crackers are extremely light, healthy, and crispy while providing long-lasting energy.

Easy Avocado & Tomato Pasta Salad
This delicious and simple salad can be served cold and is perfect as an extra meal. The success of this dish really depends on the freshness of the avocados and tomatoes you use. Cook the pasta to al dente. When pasta is done rinse with cold water. Combine all fresh ingredients in a large bowl and add salt and pepper. You can also add beans for more protein. Add pasta and stir well. Take it with you in a lunch box or tupperware container.

Overnight Oats with Chia Seeds
Make this the night before and you will have a snack or breakfast ready for the next day. Once prepared, the base overnight oatmeal mixture will easily last 5-6 days in an airtight container in the fridge. Prepare the oats in a container you easily can take with you. Here is a perfect recipe from Plantbased on a Budget.