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Special Nutritional Values in Hibiscus


Hibiscus flower is a very interesting one of a kind. It is a popular flower for the garden, because it has very beautiful flowers. There is a huge variety of hibiscus plants, not all are edible. But the ones that are have some super powers for humans.

The flowers are widely grown in many countries, but they thrive mostly in warm temperate and tropical regions. The flower has been used as a therapeutic plant for ages. It can treat toothaches, urinary tract infections, colds, and even hangovers. When a plant is therapeutic it means it has high healing powers and is a natural alternative to other treatments, like lab made medicine.

Why Hibiscus became Famous

Hibiscus is famous for its high nutritional values. It is loaded vitamins and minerals. They are a good source of vitamin A, vitamin C, zinc, vitamin C, vitamin B1 and iron. You can also get the essential fatty acids, omega-3 and omega-6. It is also a good source of dietary fiber, vitamin B2, magnesium and copper.

Whenever you consume these flowers, in a tea, smoothie or stew, you consume more than just vitamins, minerals, and fiber. You also get a power-packed bite of plant substances called phytochemicals. This plant is often used in the traditional medicine because of being so rich in phytochemicals. Phytochemicals is a naturally occurring, biologically active chemical compounds in plants. Plants produce phytochemicals that provide colour, aroma and flavour. Consuming phytochemicals would boost the level of antioxidants in the bloodstream. This would then lead to improved health and wellbeing as well as extending one’s life expectancy. Phytochmicals could also fight depression.

Hibiscus helps Hard Working Athletes

Studies on the hibiscus flower has shown their power curing or/and preventioning various diseases like hypertension, hyperlipidemia, cancer and other inflammatory diseases of liver and kidney.

When athletes train hard they will get oxidative stress in their body. Hibiscus flower has shown to help on removing oxidative stress – and therefor make recovery even better. Oxidative stress is an imbalance of free radicals and antioxidants in the body, which can lead to cell and tissue damage.

A studie also showed how hibiscus supplementation resulted in a significant increase in total antioxidant capacity levels in athletes. Which means these athletes could hold on to or had more healthy antioxidants in their bodies that regular athletes. Research has also shown how flavonoids from other fruits have protective effects against the oxidative stress which are associated with physical activity and sports.