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Eat like a Shaolin Monk

The Shaolin monks are world renowned for their amazing athletic abilities. They practice Shaolin kung fu, which appears to synthesize every skill imaginable to thrive as a human – mentally, spiritually, physically, and energetically. The Shaolin Temple diet is a balanced way of eating that can help you live a long, active and healthy life. These monks live longer than ordinary people, and this is a fact backed up by research. They adhere to the Buddhist teachings of not killing, and therefore eat a vegetarian diet. The Shaolin Temple diet also excludes alcohol. The way the live, train & think are very spiritual. It therefore makes sense that they would avoid certain foods that could otherwise get in the way of their spiritual practices.

white and red concrete building
Photo by 夏 雨 on Unsplash

It is a common misconception among many people that eating meat is necessary for providing the energy needed in vigorous kungfu. In fact the reverse is more probably true. Traditional Shaolin monks were strict vegetarians, and there was no doubt that they were tremendously powerful. It is believed that meat in a diet would deliver toxic waste which the body should fight and therefore take away energy. Toxic waste clogs meridians along which “heaven Qi” flows. Qi is the energy or natural force that fills the universe. Heaven qi, which is made up of the forces that the heavenly bodies exert on the earth, such as sunshine, moonlight, and the moon’s effect on the tides.

The Shaolin Temple diet consists of breakfast bean & grain congee made with added nuts, seeds, and dried fruit such as goji berries or Chinese dates. At lunch they eat a protein- and veggie-rich meal, and for dinner a simple, carbohydrate-rich meal. Dinner could be noodles and bread made from black or yellow wheat. Tofu, rice & 5-6 types of vegetables is an other popular dish. The specific ingredients and food-based herbal products are chosen according to their properties to restore balance to someone’s health, and are adjusted according to the seasons.

The Shaolin monk would also recommend to eat breakfast early, and always eat something before & after exercise. The last tip would be to eat with mindfulness. At the Shaolin Temple they eat in silence so they can meditate while eating. This would make you eat slower, digest better & appreciate the food more.
