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Mullein for Better Lung Function


Mullein is a very pretty flower. This plant can do more than just being a nice element in your garden. Mullein is actually a medicinal plant that has been used for the treatment of inflammatory diseases in lungs, like asthma and spasmodic coughs. You can drink mullein as a tea, or even better is to put it in a smoothie or on a salad.

Photo by Shadi on Unsplash

The question is how does this plant relief for body with chest colds, bronchitis, and asthma? Both the leaves and flowers contain mucilage, which is soothing to irritated membranes, and saponins, which make coughs more productive. Research has shown that the herb has strong anti-inflammatory traits, and some studies indicate that mullein flower infusions have antiviral properties, as well. 

For athletes who want better lung function could start experimenting with adding mullein to their diet. The highly valued herbal drug would help against other inflammation in the body as well. Athletes should seek food which fights inflammation. It would also be a good idea to use Mullein if feeling a cold coming a day before a game or race.